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Wednesday Night Salons

September 29
October 27

6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
In the courtyard

The Wednesday Night Salons at Casa Libre are designed to be a forum for artistic discussion. As artists and writers, our creative processes often keep us isolated while we are in the process of creation. There are lots of opportunities for us to workshop our creations in an academic setting, but fewer opportunities to simply share our works in progress with fellow artists in a casual environment. The Salons give local writers and artists an opportunity to interact, discuss, network, and banter. They are an opportunity to share work with peers, and learn a little bit about an invited speaker’s creative process.

The Salons start with a fifteen-minute introduction by an invited speaker. The speakers are writers, painters, and other artists. They begin the conversation and help to stimulate discussion by talking about some aspect of their creative process, or a theme evident in their work. The rest of the Salon is free-form. Participants are invited to bring samples of their work to share.

Artists of all genres are welcome at the monthly Wednesday Night Salons. We all dip from the same well, be we writers, painters, poets, sculptors, dancers, photographers, playwrights, or filmmakers. The Salons at Casa Libre are a place to explore the connections, the parallels, and the differences among various media. What writer has not been inspired by a painting, a symphony, or a rock group? What composer has not drawn inspiration from great poetry? What spoken word artist has not found inspiration in a still, silent image? We let art happen at the Salons. We promote an artist’s freedom to breathe, learn, discover, and play throughout the dynamic process of art making.

Artists of all levels, from all walks of life are invited: community writers, composers, MFA candidates, poets, rappers, performance artists, genre and erotica writers, pointillists, screenwriters, dada sculptors, spoken-word artists, slammers—any creator who is devoted to their art. This is not an exclusive club, nor is it a place to enter lightly. When you cross the threshold at Casa Libre for the Wednesday Night Salons, be ready to be treated like a professional and a fellow devotee of the lifelong pursuit that is art.

For more information or to be a presenter at an upcoming salon email:
Kristen Nelson, casakeepers@casalibre.org


Document located at http://www.casalibre.org
Website maintained by casakeepers@casalibre.org
© 2005 Casa Libre en la Solana